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How to stop being clingy

PLH Promo - Davinci Neptune

Sometimes in life you can get too attached to people. And while having fun and hanging out is a great thing. It is good to have fun you really love, and you want to be with all day. But, you burden and stress other people with your needs and wants if you want you are too attached. You become another mouth to feed like  a puppy following its owner 24/7. Or a phone that is charged on an outlet all day all year.

It’s actually not healthy if you are only supply of happiness comes from other people. This can be due to a low self esteem. Low self-esteem is dangerous because if you are not with this person you’ve grown too attached to then automatically you stop feeling happy or any other positive emotion. That’s why it’s very important you fill your own cup because if you are too clingy you stress other people out with your own needs and wants. Which is an issue because it is no ones job to  make you happy.

When one becomes attached to a desire that desire becomes a want and a possession. But, it’s important to ask yourself if you really want or need that desire or do you just say you want. When you love someone it shouldn’t feel like you are strangling the life the life of them. Life should be giving freely. Life is all about balance and clingyness tends to be one of those low vibes that becomes addicted to something or possessive of something. But, clingyness usually is an act of the inability to self love.

When you learn to love yourself unconditionally you won’t be clingy. Clinginess is sign of a lack of trust. It’s also based on fear, low-self esteem, and overly attached to a desire. Great monks have preached desire is the root cause of suffering. However, you can never really not want something. But, you can stop chasing something. The act of chasing implies there is something you are missing.

When you are content with yourself here in this moment you can enjoy yourself fully at any point of your life without needing anything to make you feel good or happy. Some people become emotionally addicted to emotions, and they always need to be stimulated otherwise they become bored. Boredness, is another disease but I will talk about that on another time.

Stop living life chasing after something. It is not healthy for you. Again, the very act of chasing implies there is something you are missing. It’s okay to have a desire or want something, but, it should not consume you or become an healthy obsession. You should be naturally motivated without effort towards the direction of your desires. It should not require much work or effort on your part. That is what partially mastery is all about, mastering the flow of life without needing to put too much “EFFORT” just like a ballerina on an ice skating ring. She twirls and dances on stage gracefully without any effort and boy she makes it look easy.

When you learn to fill your own cup you can let go of unhealthy addictions or unhealthy attachments to other people. Unhealthy attachments to other people is very draining of their energy. So please be careful with the way you behave, because, remmeber thoughts are things and your thoughts can greatly influence the vibe of the universe around.

So please keep that in mind, when interacting with the world. If you are too clingy you can create chaos because you are draining people’s energy which will make them push you away. Try to get a sense if whether or not you are bothering them or not, or if you are making them tired. Because, if you make them feel annoyed they will run away from you.


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