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You are in charge of the direction of your life

PLH Promo - Davinci Neptune

The law of attraction states what you vibe at you will attract. But, who makes the decisions about what frequency, vibes goes into the creation of your desires? That is you my friends. That is why you have to be more selective with what you focus on. Because what you focus on grows in power. Music, tv, movies, books, all of these things can ruin your vibrations or improve your vibrations it all depends on what you putting your attention to.

If you put your attention to toxic people, toxic peopleships, toxic friends, toxic food, toxic whatever you allow these things space to grow in your energy field. Which means you must STOP putting your attention on those who solely to make you suffer. Especially, those who make you suffer and then say “I love you” I am doing this because I love you. If it feels wrong listen to it. Love is not intended to make you suffer. Divine love is not all about suffering, it is about loving, blessing, forgiving, compasison, helping people to grow and expand.

Evil doers will say they are making you suffer because they love you but this is a lie. What they are simply doing is justifying their insecurities. They are using reliving their past traumas and wishing to secretly share their pains with other people.

But, who cares? What is the pain of making people suffer just so they see what that feels like. Their is no benefit in that whatever so ever. It’s better just to make a book or a movie about your pains and express yourself in that way as opposed to forcing people to see your pains hoping they can share it with you. This is highly intrusive and reeks of pity.

It is very pitiful. Why force other people to suffer to see your perspective when you can instead heal their pains, traumas, and help guide them in a better direction in their life.

There is a time for seeing the shadow, but, it’s not every minute of the day. When we say see your shadow it means simply to stop deluding yourself. It’s not to FORCE people to suffer. It is simply to break illusions and see reality for it is. IT IS NOT TO force anything that does not need to be forced.

Until Next Time,

Gerardo Morillo

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