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You are the Only Thinker

Prosperity life hacks - Davinci Neptune

You are the only thinker in you reality and as such, no one has more power than you.

You are the only one responsible for creating the life you want.

Not anyone else.

Sure many people may stumbling blocks and block your path,but ultimately, you hold the key your success or demise.

No one has the power.

By worshiping the wrong mentors and feeding your mind junk you create idols in your mind,
which fills your spirit with toxic and junk.

The more junk you accumulate overtime, will, create blockages in your manifestation.

Never give your power away to anyone else, doesn’t matter who it is.

With a few exception to spirit guides, friends, family, who have your best interest.

And those people are the rare exception.

Most people won’t care about you the way you care about yourself and your ambitions.

Everyone is busy in their own lives to care about what anyone is doing.

Be careful of people who seem like they have your interest at heart.

These people are like the fake prophets in the bible preaching nothing but lies to confuse the masses.

That’s how they control to give their power away to some imaginary idea or believe, that may not even be true.

Once people put the power into their own self their life will be dramatically easier.

Because we are the only thinker in our own realities.

And our subconscious guides depending on our commands.

By giving better commands to the subconscious you can take better control over your reality.

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