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Get Your Peace Back

Get your peace back

Once you still your mind you will enter into a state of peace.

Peace is free from stress, and conflict, and is a very neutral emotion.

In today’s world, there are too many stressors that disrupt your peace of mind and your emotions.

Your energy will be completely thrown off.

Most people live in a state of high stress, fear, and other negative emotions.

So for them, that is their natural state of being.

They come to think it is normal.

But if you sit down with yourself for 30 minutes you can slow down what is happening inside of you.

We live in a fast pace high-stress society.

Everything is always about speed.

So naturally, this will put you in a natural state of stress.

Remember to take some time to slow down, relax, and rest.

You need this to recharge your energy.

A battery that is on 24/7 will eventually die out.

In our case, our energy never actually dies out, however, it will deplete to such a toxic degree and it will affect your overall health.

Hit the pause button for a change instead of the go. Stop and balance your energy. If you are feeling stressed, maybe you are doing too much. Maybe you are doing more than you can handle. Maybe you are taking on too many responsibilities. Maybe you need help. Maybe you are worrying too much about life. Maybe you are overthinking.

You get the point.

All of these things can disrupt your peace and disrupt your balance.

Breath. Slow down. Relax. Untighten your muscles. Let yourself be loose.

Yes society is very demanding but your health is more important than whatever society is demanding from you.

Remember the internal world is more important than the external, so if you are working too much you are choosing the external over your own health.

Which can cause some damage for you in the long run.

We all contain too much stress and negative emotions from the past, our work, our relationships, etc. so we need to remember it’s okay to pause and slow down and just allow ourselves to relax.

You can practice by taking a shower, going for a walk in nature, meditating, relaxing your muscles, and others.

If you find yourself unable to relax.

You have to ask are you resisting peace or relaxation?

Are you afraid if you let yourself relax you won’t be productive?

Friend work is not going anywhere there will always be work, focus on your health.

If it is difficult for you to relax ask yourself what part of me is resisting peace and relaxation.

I know it may be counterintuitive but try not to think so much about how to handle your workload.

Yes, I know you want to be able to do all things and be on top of everything.

But, you cannot be in the present moment if you are juggling 1000 different thoughts in the air.

Your stress is going to be all over the place.

If you find your workload is too much get some help, and take the load off you.

Allow yourself to relax and be at peace, and you will find things will flow to you much more easily.



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