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Life Is Not A Competition

Life Is Not A Competition

The only person you are in competition against is yourself.

People who always need to compare and compete against other people are some of the most miserable people on the planet.

Why? Because their life is a non-stop drama of chasing validation, status, approval, etc.

Where is the fun in that?

These people live in the realm of pride.

Pride is a deadly sin.

There is a difference between friendly and healthy competition vs. toxic competition.

Friendly competition is fun and about expansion.

Toxic competition is ego-based and tries to make one feel superior and make other people feel inferior.

It is a very intense and obnoxious vibe.

Sometimes, when these type of people impose their ego vibe, I get the urge to knock them senseless.

Like if you want to impose dominance we can shoot the jimmy like we back in 3rd grade, you feel me?

This is why I tend to avoid environment and people like that.

It gets very toxic and hostile real quick.

It is a part of life and is something you should learn how to roll with.

And that’s cool.

I am just saying I prefer, to keep myself out of those situations.

Next thing you know you are getting triggered and yelling out the lungs.

I am not about that life.

But, if ya wanna race and compete.

By all means.

You can go in circles going nowhere.

I will sit and watch ya.

It’s like watching people on the Ferris wheel chasing, chasing, and never going nowhere.

These types of folks make me laugh, I just ignore them.

People in this realm are stubborn and hard to make them see they are wasting their time.

They are too busy chasing the glory they can’t hear you speak.

I stay in my own lane.

I am only in competition against myself.

People only have power if you give them attention and feed them your energy.

Starve them off attention and they die.

Just like a flower that does not get any water.

But, isn’t life supposed to be about socializing?

Yes, but I never heard that it was part of the rules to deal with and tolerate toxic people and negative vibes, yo.

I ain’t got time for those kinds of vibes.

Yuck low vibes!

I think it’s especially funny how people in the self-help and spiritual people are competing each other for whose the better person.

Like did you miss the point?

The point is to IMPROVE YOURSELF not compete against other people.

Spirituality is a single-player game.

If you constantly are looking at other people as if they are a threat to you, it’s because you feel UNSAFE.

When you accept and appreciate yourself there is no competition because you already won internally.

If you chasing the external to approve of who you are, you are already playing a losing battle.

You are seeking external conditions to prove your self-worth.

When you truly like yourself you never have to compete with anyone(from a toxic POV) because you accept and like yourself for who you are already.

If you trying to compete with other people for status and power it’s because you feel you are lacking in something or you think these things will make you feel better about yourself.


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