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Anger Management 101: Are You Around Angry People?

Anger Management 101 | PLH

Difficult people are the first ones to lose their cool over the slightest thing that goes wrong.

Do you know anyone who gets angry and has a tantrum over the slightest thing?

Yes, you know who I am talking about.

No matter how smart they think they are, they are not behaving in a way that is helpful to anyone(including themselves).

The first one to lose their cool and gets angry is almost always the one that lacks self-control and cannot manage their own emotions.

Children react to every little emotion.

Whatever, they feel they let it all out.

Adults, after “maturing up” should know how to keep their emotions in check and socialize with other people.

If not, they are no different than children.

On any given day you can have 1000s of emotions, are you really going to react to every single little emotion?

Do you expect people to be able to understand how you feel at all times?

Do you think people can read your mind?

You get my point right? This is highly unrealistic.

I am sure you know or met someone like this.

Completely out of their mind and living in their own world.

They think the world “should” work a certain way that is based on how they think it “should” work.

These are the types of people avoid, people to run away from, and usually don’t have any friends at all.

They are just completely stuck in their own ways they cannot possibly think there is another way.

What do you do about these types of people?

Distance yourself, or cut ties entirely.

It is so incredibly awkward to be around certain people who lack understanding of basic human relationships and cannot fathom the error in their line of thinking.

You don’t have to be their enemy, but, you don’t definitely have to be their friend either.

If they are not willing or unable to work themselves to control themselves, then, how can you possibly trust them to be in a relationship with you?

They are just going to get mad at anything, and lose their temper for anything that they perceive is wrong according to their emotions(or personal biases).

Find Healthy Ways To Express Anger

If you or someone you know is constantly angry and is constantly getting upset with the people in their life, they most likely have issues controlling their emotions.

Instead of exploding, there are a lot of other options than getting angry impulsively for any little thing.

Some other options include(but not limited to):

  • Writing
  • Art
  • Exercise
  • Therapy
  • Medications(if it is a major problem)
  • Supplements(the ones that calm you down)
  • Meditation
  • Breathe Control
  • Pause before reacting or responding

No one can make you feel anything without your consent(for the most part).

Some people like to blame other people when they get angry or have a tantrum.

Can you believe that?

While it may be true other people may be doing something to make feel a certain way, it is also true that you have control over how you think, feel, and behave.

To say someone completely controls how you feel is completely irrational.

If people really took the time to learn how to control their emotions and their reactions they would.

Most of the time the challenge is most cannot even see, comprehend, or are unwilling to admit they have a problem.

People with addictions say they are not addicted to drugs(or other substances) when it is as clear as day.

They are completely dependent on the drugs and substances in order to function in life and if they don’t get their fix they start to have problems(side effects, withdrawals, etc.).

People are really good at pointing the finger and finding the flaws on other people and never taking responsibility for their own issues.

It is very easy to find faults in other people. It requires virtually no intellect to do that.

It requires more intellect and honesty to look within yourself and admit you have to heal or improve in some areas.

Many people when they get in trouble immediately blame a bunch of non-related things such as:

The government, their parents, their gender, their race, their friends, their family, or anything really.

You would be surprised how creative people are coming up with excuses, and their ability to shift the blame elsewhere.

It’s quite impressive really.

For these people, they are not looking to actually improve themselves but to avoid feeling bad about themselves.

And if you were to try to help them realize their problems chances are they will get angry.

Which puts you in a rather awkward position.

Either you tell them and they get mad.

Or, they get mad anyways every time something they don’t like happens to them.

Everyone feels uncomfortable with that person because they can’t say anything to them and no matter what, they get angry.

For this person to change to have to admit to themselves they have a problem or they will keep acting and behaving the way they do.

If you have a friend or member like this, you may need to set boundaries around this or let them know they are out of line and are starting to affect your life with their lack of self-control.

This may be confrontational, but, the sooner you do the better.

Some people will never change unless something big happens to them to make them realize they NEED to change.

Your life does not circle around their emotions or whatever is happening with their life.

Their problems are not your problems and if they constantly are making you feel uncomfortable you may have to let them know or take some space.

If they are constantly getting angry, and you are sitting there awkwardly, and feel uncomfortable saying anything there is a problem!





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