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How Do Men and Women Select Each Other

How Do Men and Women Select Each Other

Let’s take a look as to how men and women are chosen(the mating game).

Note this most likely going to trigger both genders, so if you are not ready to hear it please click the X button on the top right corner.

Men are chosen for their masculine qualities(confidence, leadership abilities, resourcefulness, etc.).

While women flirtation is much more subtle than men she gives the guys she is interested in easy opportunities to chat with her.

Or, be able to pick her up.

This is what women’s fantasy essentially is – being desired by a man.

Why? Procreation, and access to resources.

If she is chosen she will be supported by her man and will be able to pass down her genes.

On a micro level this is what it’s all about.

Pair bonding.

Finding the best genes that are suitable and compatible for each other.

This is all programmed in our DNA of course you don’t tell people this because it will ruin their fantasy of what romance really is.

It’s almost a pseudo transactional relationship to fulfill the two genders desires.

Love is possible, not to discourage, any of you.

But for the majority it’s merely a transaction.

Now, how are women selected?

Men want  WOMEN who displays feminine qualities.

Beauty, soft skin, soft voice, good personality, easy going, nurturing, loving, etc.

Essentially what a man values upfront is a women’s beauty.

Her personality matters, to a degree, but men are willing to sacrifice looks for personality.

Not on a logical level of course.

We don’t go thinking to ourselves geez I want a girl whose hot with a bad personality.

Just simply, if she is pretty she can away with a lot more bad behaviors and get away with having a bad personality.

Both genders don’t like to hear the reality of this because it breaks some sort of code.

By bringing this to a logical level it completely ruins the idea of love.

And, I suppose if you do think about it logically then perhaps what is the point of dating?

I believe god our creator has designed men to be a certain way and women to be a certain way.

So I believe, we are hardwired to procreate and fish for qualities that enhances our survival.

Natural Selection is a good theory that covers this.

What does this really mean?

If you are a man and you can display masculine qualities girls will be into you.

If you are a woman and you display feminine qualities(beauty and personality) guys will be into you.

This is subjective and changes with the time period.

As different things are more important in different time periods.

But, the main point is if you can go “meta” you will be desired a lot more.

By radiating the qualities the opposite sex prefers you will be in high demand.

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