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How Will You Respond to Your Trauma: Victim to Abuser or Healer?

How Will You Respond to Your Trauma: Victim to Abuser or Healer

Childhood for some people was not as easy for some compared to others.

Some people went through real traumatic experiences and suffered a lot as a result.

Sometimes, the traumas and sufferings you experience as a child stunts your personal development.

Some people never fully recover from their traumas or abuse and become somewhat affected by it.

Let’s say a woman was physically abused by a man in the past she may overgeneralize and say “ALL MEN ARE BAD.”

The belief all men are evil will prevent her from having relationships with men that are healthy or even just meeting men in general.

If the woman doesn’t learn to overcome her trauma from the abuse she may think “all men are bad” her whole life.

Which will result in her no relationships with men or having a really difficult time having a relationship with a man.


The Wife Who Stabbed The Husband In The Heart

Let’s say a man gave everything he had to win a girl over.

Everything was great at first.

They spend a few months together.

After some time they decide to get married.

The marriage ends quickly, the woman files for divorce and takes 50% of the man’s earnings.

The man is scorn for life.

He will go into relationships with women differently, and may never decide to get married again.


The Child With Bad Parents

The child was abused by their tyrant parents.

Grows up hating their parents.

They grow up misunderstood not knowing how to process their emotions and having no self-awareness.

Let’s say later down the line the child has kids of their own.

They became exactly like their parents because they didn’t learn anything differently.

The child grew up becoming exactly like their tyrant parents without noticing.


Victim To Bully

Some people get so damaged as a kid they end up becoming everything they said they wouldn’t become.

They become what they hated as a kid.

The bullied becomes the bully.

The victim becomes the abuser.

And this is because that trauma is still affecting their mind.

People respond differently to trauma.

A child who was bullied in the past may become the bully to never feel powerless again.

This is how they have chosen to respond to their trauma.

Rather than be abused first better to abuse them first.

This is a lack of trust, a bit of paranoia, and wanting to be in control.


From Victim To Healer

Just take the above examples with the opposite outcome.

The victim becomes the healer.

The bullied becomes the bullied protector and helps stand up against bullies.

The woman who has been abused by her husband may become an activist for domestic violence.

The man who struggled with poverty may become someone who donates to charity and helps the community.

The child who was abused in the past may learn how to be a better parent so they don’t inflict the same pain on their own kids.


How Will You Respond?

You can be the one who creates the same pain inflicted on you by others.

Or, you can become the one who stops the cycle of abuse, violence, etc.

Life isn’t fair sometimes, and there is no denying that, but the more people fixate on their pain, suffering, and traumas the more power it will have over them.

They may end up becoming someone they don’t want to become.

They may end up not getting the kind of life they want because of the past.

They may never find true love because the past is affecting their every single relationship.

They may never find happiness because they can never move on from the past.


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