Effort is very much related to their level of interest and attraction.
However, there can be plenty of reasons why they choose not to apply effort in the relationship.
Maybe they have social anxiety.
Maybe they are lazy.
Maybe they are afraid.
Maybe they are arrogant.
Maybe they are selfish.
Maybe they think it’s your job to ‘chase’ a relationship with them.
Plenty of reasons.
One thing that will prevent you from being in an abusive or toxic relationship is to simply match their effort and energy.
If they give you little effort, then you give them little effort.
If they give you a lot of effort then you match their effort.
If you give too much energy away you run the risk of later feeling ripped off if the other person is not reciprocating.
Maybe you are interested in the other person a lot and want to meet and enjoy their company.
Sometimes, people are not READY for your friendship, relationship, and energy.
That is why it is always best to match their effort and energy.
By matching their energy you never run the risk of regret.
If you give too much of your away and you later realize the other person wasn’t really interested in you or using you to feed their ego.
Then you will feel really bad later about how much time and energy you devoted to the relationship.
If you slowly apply the energy and effort and gradually increase, you won’t feel bad if the relationship goes sour.
Because both of you applied the same amount of energy, and if the relationship doesn’t work out then it doesn’t work out.
But, if you give too much love, energy, and effort in the relationship to someone who is not on the same page with you energetically or at an attraction level you will regret how much time and energy you gave the relationship.
Your energy is precious, and by giving it to someone who doesn’t deserve your energy you are wasting it.
Your energy can be better put elsewhere.
If the person you are interested in is not matching your energy and is not interested, then you can be using that same energy on a DIFFERENT PERSON or on ANOTHER GOAL.
Wasting your energy doesn’t match your energy means you can’t put that same energy into a goal of yours.
Everything is opportunity cost.
You can only put your focus in so many places at once and you only have so much time during the day.
It is incredibly SELFISH for the other person to think you need to exert more energy and effort in the relationship than they are willing to give.
It is quite a red flag that if the other person expects you to commit more energy to them they are willing to return back.
You can pretty much assume they are not really interested in you if they are not willing to commit the same energy or maybe they just need more time.
Regardless, when in doubt, never give more energy than you are capable of giving and match the energy the other person is giving.
Because energy and effort are related to interest and attraction.
If they don’t match your energy it is assumed they are not as interested in you(even if not true) this is what is implied.
There are too many factors to consider for something like this but doesn’t matter.
Since you don’t know what’s going inside their MIND or what their level of ATTRACTION is you have to play it safe and just match the energy they are putting down.
If you give too much love to the wrong person or too soon, you will get heartbroken later.
Even if they are deeply in love or attracted to you, since they are not applying any effort or energy you have no idea what their level of interest is or attraction.
So when in doubt just match their energy and move slowly.
Gradually increase the amount of energy as they increase their effort/energy.
Only put more energy if you see the other person is losing interest or not willing to commit.
So if they lose complete interest, come back again, and see what can be done in the relationship.