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Tame Your Mind To Get What You Want

Tame Your Mind To Get What You Want

Worry, doubt, and fear have a way to creep up into your mind without you noticing it.

It disguises itself as the words we use to express but in actuality, they are just fears and excuses to protect ourselves from potential harm.

Usually, fear of the potential future.

Something we imagine in our mind that can potentially go wrong.

So your mind quickly creates an emotional response to the potential threat or anticipated future.

You have to tame your mind or your mind will rule over you.

You are not the slave to your mind.

You are the master of your mind.

But, if you let your mind control then you will forever be a slave to its every impulse.

Train your mind to focus on the direction you wish to go.

Eliminate negative energies as they arise.

Address the negatives, but do not obsess or dwell in the negatives.

The longer you think on the negatives the more they distract you from making any form of progress towards your goals.

And, if you really want what you say you want, then you won’t let your mind stop you.

You have to be stronger than whatever it is your mind is telling you.

Discipline your mind to only think about the things that are helpful to your goal.

If you give in to each whimsical negative thought that pops up you will forever be a slave.

You won’t ever be happy.

And, if you are okay with your life the way it is, then so be it.

But, if you want something new like you say you do then you have to change what you are doing to get there.

You can change the plan to your goal, you don’t always have to change the goal.

Just sometimes getting to your goal will not always look exactly as imagined.

And that is okay, that is part of the trial and error process.

If you really want your desires, you won’t make excuses.

There might be stagnant moments in your life when trying to work towards your goals.

Sometimes, that occurs because we have a lot of energy that needs to be shifted around.

A few setbacks or defeats do not mean you have to give up on your dreams.

It just means you have to change how you go about getting what it is you say you want.

This is assuming you actually do want it.

Be honest with yourself do you really want your desire?

If you do, move in the direction of your heart, make a plan, and accept the process.

The universe will give you anything you desire if you strongly want it.

How long this takes is depending on you and your ability to align yourself with your desire.

If you keep second-guessing or think yourself unsure of what you want, you won’t ever get what you want.

The universe is always listening to you.

The universe’s mission is to give you what you say you want.

Relax, trust in yourself, follow your heart, control your mind, and the universe will give you anything you want.



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