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What Are You Running Away From?

What Are You Running Away From?

It’s not a pleasant thing to admit we made a mistake.

No one likes making mistakes.

But, if you don’t admit you made a mistake you will keep making the same mistakes over and over again.

You can date new types of people and the same problems will manifest.

For example, if I am a chronic snorer and all my partners leave me because I snore a lot.

I wouldn’t look for a partner to just deal with the snoring. I would find a way to deal with the snoring itself.

When there are leaks in the house and water is coming down, I don’t pretend or deny they are not there. I simply call someone to fix the leaks.

Many people in the spiritual field use who sorts of nice logic to justify their mistakes and flaws.

Some women even say “if you can’t deal with me at my worst you don’t deserve me at best” in context this usually means they want to justify being toxic.

And the guy is supposed just deal with it.

I am the first to admit I am not perfect, and I deal with my issues at home internally. I try not to carry my issues in my relationships, though, because I don’t want to burden other people with my problems. If you really want help you can simply go see a therapist or a psychiatrist.

This is not an exercise to make yourself feel bad or lesser about yourself. It it simply an exercise on to own your faults as you make them.

No one is telling you to apologize if you don’t feel like it. But, you should admit to yourself when you have wronged someone.

Why? Because the feeling of guilt and shame will circulate in your subconscious. The energy will stay trapped inside. And, if you have wronged someone you have damaged their energy field to some degree. Once, again, you don’t have to apologize but just OWN your mistakes where you made it. And, aim to not do it again.

The best form of an apology is not to make the same mistake. I rather someone who learns from their mistakes than someone who apologizes and continue to make the same mistakes.

No one likes to admit they are wrong. Not a single soul feels particular better about seeing themselves in a negative light. Why? Because we are a social species. Admitting to ourselves or to others feels like a self-rejection. But, that’s only in how it feels. We are deeply afraid. But, you will find some people to be more understanding than you realize.

No one expects you to be perfect. But, people all want a certain level of respect. Admitting to yourself or to others is very attractive and can save the drama in your relationships. It only takes a few seconds of not feeling “good” to save mistakes and your relationships. Failure to see you are making mistakes will cost you relationships.

Some relationships that could’ve been a good thing for you.

Another thing that make you not see your own mistakes is THE NEED TO BE RIGHT.

Which basically is a giant problem in of itself.

If I am wrong or admit I made a mistake I run the risk of feeling bad.

Yes, you will feel bad for maybe 2 seconds, but at what cost?

There are greater benefits to simply saying sorry and just moving on.

There are better benefits to you admitting one’s own defect then to run away from yourself.

Denial will ensure you are stuck in your relationships.

Once again no one is saying you need to feel bad about yourself.

Just simply look at any way you can improve.

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