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Why dating is a waste of time

PLH Promo - Davinci Neptune

Dating in the modern reality is a waste of time, but we all know this. What good actually comes from dating? Nothing. When you learn to be self-driven and motivated you won’t need anything from anyone else. One thing I pride myself is not needing other people. I am completely self taught at mostly everything. I have done mostly everything by myself without the need for other people.

Team has never been a thing for me. I’ve always managed very well on my own. And other people usually just end up wasting my time. Dating in the modern world is a completely joke when you stop and think about it. Who actually has time to date now a days. It’s a lot better if you simply just generate your own energy and stop looking for other realities to steal energy from to fuel your own self selfish desires(which isn’t love by the way- it’s desperate(scarcity)).

Now a days who can you really trust? Most people are not worth your energy or time or commitment. And that is why you shouldn’t rely on anyone but yourself. Because your reality is based upon your own consciousness. Why put your focus or attention on anyone else, but yourself? You will attract people who vibrate at the same frequency. Which means you don’t really have to focus on the external because everything already exist inside of you.

You really can’t trust most people but yourself. Many of my friends of the past have lend people money and they were never paid back. Similarly, if you are a man dating women it’s best if you focus on yourself, your passion, your goals, and mastery of life.

Women are a complete utter waste of time. If a girl does not come easy then she has to go. If she is hard work she is not a vibrational match to you. If she is hard work then you have to go looking else where because this is obviously a recipe for disaster. Any girl who truly loves you is EASY not HARD. And that is why you must only put your attention or focus on women WHO ARE EASY. Difficult women are not worth the time or effort.

Why do more work when there are better quality women out there who are easier? Just focus on yourself keep doing what you do and find a women who is easy, sweet, loving, caring, peaceful, compassion, and who intends to make your life easier.

The minute you start seeing red flags drop the girl and go find another girl. Your time-energy is to precious to be wasting on a women who does nothing but your time or worse steals your time-energy. Go take your business elsewhere because you got better things to do.


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