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Fortify Your Castle | Gerardo Morillo |

Fortify The Castle

When are young and alone our frame is fairly on the weak side. What is a frame? Frame is the total subconscious energy you communicate about yourself to others, it is also used to mean the definition you give reality.… Read More »Fortify The Castle

Satan Tempts Jesus

The Ego Battle

In this article, Gerardo Morillo owner of share with you the ego battle. Jesus Vs. Satan. Hope you enjoy! Rule #1 Humans Are Animals I don’t mean this metaphorically, I mean this literally, animals. We are talking monkeys. 90%… Read More »The Ego Battle

Gerardo Morillo |

What Path Will You Choose?

Dear Master, the path to winning the difficult game is a difficult one. Which path will you take the path of light or the dark? There are no right or wrong answers only choices you make on your journey. Read More Now…