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Be Interested To Be Interesting

PLH Promo - Davinci Neptune

Most people are so focused on themselves they lose the interest of people very quickly, because not everyone likes the same thing.

When you talk about things the audience doesn’t enjoy, most people will have a flat response or just not be interested.

Instead when you talk to people about things they enjoy you will notice their eyes will glow, because it’s something they like to do and have positive emotions.

A lot of people can talk about themselves for hours until they are blue in the face. But, on the receiving end of it unless the person wants to listen to what you have to say, then they will most likely bored.

Unless, the listener likes you they will get bored.

Unless, the listener, wants to be a listener they will get bored.

Because most people want to be the star in their own life.

Everyone wants to be a leader and not a follower.

People who only talk about themselves create a bad relationship because it shows others they don’t care or not interested in them or what they have to say.

Everyone likes to talk about themselves, and what they are good at it.

Anyone can do that, and in fact most people do.

But, when it comes to human relationships if the other person feels like you don’t care about them they will start to wonder why they are there in the first place.

A relationship is about people all getting their needs-wants, feeling validated, and playing the roles they want to play in.

If you radiate that you are only interested in what you have to say and don’t care about anything the listener will say, this will leave a bad taste in their mouth.

Am I saying don’t talk about  yourself?

No, what I am saying is make sure to listener feels like you care and included.

If you leave them feeling misunderstood or unappreciated their interest in you will become less and less.

The  more a person negative experiences from someone they will cut their attention from that person and then eventually just got that person out their life.

Because a relationship is about creating pleasurable experiences that people enjoy.

When person is not feeling it, they will just go elsewhere, because they will eventually ask the question why I am interacting with someone who is selfish and only cares about themselves.

What am I doing here? They don’t need me.

Most people make this blatantly obvious mistake of making it about their own needs-wants in relationships.

A healthy mixture of being selfish and at the adding value to other people’s lives is what creates a healthy relationship.

When in doubt show people you care about what they have to say or you are interested.

When you radiate this energy of I am interested in what you have to say, you will notice people like you even more.

And in return they will want to be around you more, because you CARE.

Not, because you are trying to boss them around, everyone does that.


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