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Gender Biases of The New Wave

Gender Bias

People’s biases, narratives, and stereotyping need to be radically eradicated from the hearts and minds of our fellow Americans’!

While it may be true, that there was a lot of abuse by men perpetuated in the 1900s many people are using this today as an excuse to justify their actions, blame men for everything, and a shield for anyone against the narrative of women. In the 2000s, arguably women have more advantages than men.

No one is saying women don’t have their issues for being women. But they also have benefits just for being women. They conveniently pick and choose when to complain about being a woman. Women in the 1900s suffered real abuse, the “abuse” women face today is laughable in comparison. The women in the 1900s wish they had it like the 2000s women.

Biased Stereotypes Many People Have:
-Women are always right.
-Women never tell lies.
-Women are always the victims.
-Gender inequality only applies to women. (Women have certain advantages men don’t have)

Terrible Biases Against Men:
-Men are guilty of everything.
-Men are always the abusers.
-Men who stand their ground and are firm in himself is “toxic.”
-Men who disagree with women are typically called “misogynists.”


Fight for both genders or don’t fight at all.

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