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Incompatible Relationships | Davinci Neptune

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Incompatible Relationships

Sometimes, in our lives we interact with people who are vastly different than ourself.

Contrast can be fun, but, connection is more about connecting with people who are the same and like minded. The more different you are to someone the less rapport and less familiar something is.

Find the people who naturally love what you are excellent at. When you do this their will never be a struggle, because, those people want what you are selling.

If you are selling Donuts, and I want Ice Cream, we are incompatible in that sense.

Of course, you could convince me to buy your Donuts, but, it’s better if you just find someone who wants your donuts than to run around convincing people to buy your Donuts.

The people who want what you have will gravitate towards you naturally and effortlessly.

People, who don’t want what you are selling may never want what you are selling. And, no amount of convincing will change their mind.

That’s why it’s always better to just find someone who is agreement with the “trade.”

As opposed to convince people what you have is of value and what they should buy.

In spirituality, there are parts you may experience that may not agree with your parts.

And that doesn’t mean it’s wrong or right.

It’s just mean there is a clear mis-match of needs and wants.

The goal is to find the people who value what you are trading or offering.

The people who naturally see the value will buy without much effort.

And that’s because they want it.

In life we are always making these choices.

Apples or Peaches.

Neither is more right or wrong than the other there are just merely preferences.

Sometimes, you should look at the market and see what your audience has to say. Maybe, it’s a bad idea.

Or, maybe you are trying to force the WRONG PEOPLE to buy what you are selling.

This does not make you right or them wrong. It just simply a living act of life.

Some people will like it. Some won’t.

The universe incorporates all of these truths in our reality.

One thing, I will say is it will be easier to simply sell to people who love what you are selling.

Those people won’t require convincing, nor, will you have to maintain them either.

They see the value and they want it and it is a win-win.


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