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Some People Never Change(here’s what you do)

Some people never change here's what you do

Some people never change no matter what you do.

This is fine because people have to change on their own time when they are ready.

You cannot force people to heal.

Some people try to change others and demand they change when they want them to change and it doesn’t work that way.

People change when they are ready to change.

If you want a better chance of changing people you have to learn how to communicate with them in a way they can understand your point of view.

And this is also assuming you are correct in what you are saying.

People have a tendency to want to change other people, and enforce the rules(and they assume they are right).

But, that is what everyone else does.

So, what you get is people fighting with each other about who is right and who is wrong.

The end result is everyone is miserable because no one is willing to learn how to communicate in a way that nets everyone a positive outcome.

Some people look at others from the lens of “do as I say because I said so”.

Where’s the logic in that?

If you want people to listen to you – you have to convince them why you are right while speaking in a way that makes them even want to change.

People will resist anyone who tells them what to do especially without good reason.

People even resist authorities.

However, authorities are more likely to tell people what to do(with success) because they have established themselves in the social hierarchy.

This does not mean you have to have status or be an authority to have people listen to you.

But, if you want people to listen to what you have to say you have to give them a reason to listen to you.

The truth is there are plenty of people fighting for the same thing.

The reason why people choose to listen to you will be unique to you and what you bring to the table.

The more reasons you give people to like you the more they will want to listen to you.

If you approach them with the angle of “I am right you are wrong and do say I say because I said so” your chances of getting people to listen to you will be very low.

But, if you take the time to listen to them and their problems, then gently guide them step-by-step to the solution to their problem they will be MORE LIKELY to listen to what you have to say.

People like their sense of autonomy(and should be respected).

The only people who like the  “do as I say” approach are people who want you to think for them, less intelligent than you are, less confident than you are, and probably young and in need some of guidance.

If you want people to listen to what you have to say you have to earn it.

Why should they listen to you compared to anyone else or even themselves for that matter?

Once more if you want them to change their minds you have to give them a reason why they should.

This takes some convincing.

And it takes time.

When you radiate qualities of a true leader people will naturally listen to what you have to say.

People with poor social skills cannot get others to do what they want because they understand other people and don’t understand how to properly communicate to other people.

If this article or any article here has helped you do me a small favor and post it on any social media platform you use.




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