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What Does It Mean To be Authentic

What Does It Mean To be Authentic

We can dive really deep into what your authentic self is or isn’t.

But to put simply it is when you are operating at 100% in a way that feels naturally.

You will attract the right kinds of people.

If you are projecting a “front” or a mask you will be attracting the wrong types of people.

Being authentic self requires a level of vulnerability and openness that most people are not willing to do.

Most people hide themselves, or adapt to fit into their environment.

But, if you are portraying a fake persona of sorts you are wasting everyone’s time because no one will really know you or like the real you.

You are not supposed to get along with everyone.

You can be likable to a high degree but not everyone will like you, and that’s okay.

You are here to find the ones who do like you.

Wearing a mask or  being different than what is true to yourself is also very exhausting.

This will attract relationships that are based on a lie.

People appreciate a genuine person more than a fake person.

At least they have the “courage” to be everything that is them.

How can you tell which is which?

Anytime you have to put extra effort or adapt a persona to fit in you run the risk of being inauthentic.

Although, sometimes you may feel shy to openly express who you are.

When in doubt do whatever is most comfortable for you at the moment, then review as to what you could have done differently.

Being yourself should feel liberating and not a prison.

However is noteworthy to add who you are is not static and always changing.

But, it is something inside yourself that you should be able to feel.

Do I feel like I am in prison internally or do I feel free internally?

When you are being yourself you will attract right people and the right people will like you.

When you are being “fake” you will hate the facade you are wearing at the end of the day and also will be attracting the wrong people.

When done the right way people will love you for being yourself.

It can very well feel like a rush to find your “true self” but it is very much a process – a lifelong process.

Some people never truly ever know themselves.

The key to note is do you feel drained and regret?

Or, do you feel liberated and gaining positive reinforcement?

This is a very tricky subject with many layers to it.

But, the main point is at the end of the day do you feel like are acting in a way that feels right to you?

Then, another thing to note is do the people in your life like your “authentic self.”

Being yourself shouldn’t feel hard.

It should be effortless.

But the issue is we live in a world with constant pressure.

So it is very easy to get drowned by the noise.

Being yourself should feel natural and not draining and most likely the people you meet will love your “true self”.




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